At ClientEarth, we’re taking legal action against the world’s largest food & drink companies, to tackle their over-reliance on plastic.

Want to support our legal actions? Join us to show food & drink companies you want less plastic.


Most of us feel like we’re drowning in plastic. And while we do our best to reduce, reuse and recycle it, large food and drink corporations make it impossible to avoid it by pumping tonnes of plastic into our lives.  

We know plastic pollution is damaging to wildlife, our health and the climate. We also know we can’t recycle our way out of this problem. We must come together to put an end to unnecessary plastic now. 

At ClientEarth, we’re tackling the plastic crisis from all angles: 

  • We’re going to court to block Europe’s largest plastic facility once and for all 

  • We’ve taken Danone to court over its plastic footprint* 

  • We’re challenging Nestlé and Coca-Cola’s misleading claims about the recyclability of their products 

But we need your voice, your support, your determination to send a clear message to businesses and governments that enough is enough.  

Together, we can turn the tide against plastic and preserve our planet for generations to come. 

Join our global fight against unnecessary plastic: sign up today. 


*NB: Our legal action against Danone has now entered mediation. 

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