Greedy oil barons are drowning us in an ocean of unnecessary plastic. They're hoping we'll look the other way while they rake in millions from polluting the planet. But there's hope on the horizon: the Global Plastics Treaty. 

As crucial negotiations unfold this year, join people from across the world calling for a strong and legally-binding Global Plastics Treaty: Add your name now. 

Why We Need a Global Plastics Treaty 

Plastic's undeniable toll on human health — from plummeting male fertility rates to surging cancer incidence near petrochemical plants — is a wake-up call. 

Yet, despite growing awareness, the production of plastic is projected to triple by 20501, thanks in no small part to the lobbying efforts of fossil fuel giants, who see plastic as their plan B to prolong oil and gas extraction well beyond their energy use.

That’s why we are urging decision makers to push for a comprehensive Treaty that addresses the full life cycle of plastics, starting from curbing its production. 

What the Treaty Must Achieve 

Our demands are clear: 

  • Cover the full life cycle of plastics, from extraction of raw materials to waste management;
  • Deliver a global, legally-binding target to reduce plastics production;
  • Require the protection of the health of people and the environment, as well as human rights;
  • Halt the construction of new or expanded plastics production facilities; and
  • Require financial flows to move away from investment in plastics 

With fossil fuel giants reportedly hampering the latest negotiations2, the Global Plastics Treaty is up against enormous vested interests. 

So it’s crucial that we pressure decision makers into prioritising our wellbeing over industry profit.

Together, we can push for a future beyond plastic — one where our communities are healthy and wildlife flourishes. Join the movement now. 


1. Reducing Plastic Production to Achieve Climate Goals: Key Considerations for the Plastics Treaty Negotiations

2. Reuters | Insight: U.N. pact may restrict plastic production. Big Oil aims to stop it

Add your name to show oil barons the Global Plastics Treaty has your support: